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Advisory Board

Floor Lieshout – Youth for Road Safety (YOURS), Netherlands

CIPA Injury

Floor Lieshout started his road safety career at TeamAlert, which became an independent youth-led organization for road safety in the Netherlands in 2002. In 2007 he was elected as the Vice-Chair of the first United Nations World Youth Assembly for Road Safety in Geneva, representing the European Region of the World Health Organization. He was also co-chair of the Working Group that developed the United Nations Youth Declaration for Road Safety. After the World Youth Assembly, he joined Capgemini as an account manager to the Netherlands Ministry of Transport. In 2009 he joined the World Health Organization in Geneva as a Technical Officer with the mission to support the World Health Organization's road safety efforts, particularly those focused on young road users. His tasks included the creation of a youth taskforce and a global network of young road safety advocates, which later evolved into an independent global youth-led non-governmental organization for road safety, named YOURS (Youth for Road Safety). Since January 2010, Mr. Lieshout has been the Founder/Director of YOURS.