Sports & Recreation Safety
When the weather turns colder, people start thinking about popular winter activities, such as skiing, snowboarding, and sledding. Remember to take precautions to help keep children and young adults safe.
Sports & Recreation Safety
Sports and recreation are great sources of exercise. A few simple safety precautions can help prevent injuries to children during these activities.
Inflatable Bouncers
In the past 20 years, the number of injuries associated with inflatable bouncers treated in hospital emergency departments in the U.S. has skyrocketed, and now equals more than 30 children a day, or about one child every 45 minutes.
Playground Safety
Playgrounds are a great place for children to exercise and develop new skills. Unfortunately, more than 213,000 children are treated in emergency departments in the U.S. for playground-related injuries each year.
Skiing & Snowboarding Safety
Skiing and snowboarding are great ways to spend time outdoors during the winter months. As with all sports, injuries are a risk when you ski or snowboard. Taking a few safety measures can help you have fun and be safe.
Sledding Safety
Sledding can be a great way to enjoy winter weather. The joy of speeding down the hill can make it easy to forget that this activity can also lead to injuries. Taking a few safety measures can help keep you and your kids safe on the hills this winter.
Winter Sports Safety
Winter can be a time of great fun. Many families enjoy the weather by skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and sledding. However, these activities can lead to injuries. Following a few safety tips can help you and your family have a fun and safe winter.