Road Safety
Road Safety Outreach
A member of the global road safety community, CIPA uses its reach to advance injury prevention messaging, support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and promote its partners and their work.
Sixth U.N. Global Road Safety Week
The 6th U.N. Global Road Safety Week focused on speed reduction to save lives. CIPA convened a webinar on using the Star Rating for Schools program to evaluate and improve pedestrian safety in school zones. The webinar featured experts from the International Road Assessment Programme, Safe Kids Worldwide, Safe Kids Fargo/Moorhead, and Youth for Road Safety.
Watch the webinar here:
Youth for Road Safety blog:
Star Rating for Schools blog:
fifth u.n. global road safety week
The theme for the 5th U.N. Global Road Safety Week is 'Leadership' with the tagline #SpeakUp for #RoadSafety. The Week, to be held 6-12 May 2019, aims to provide an opportunity for civil society to generate demands for strong leadership for road safety, especially around concrete, evidence-based interventions; and inspire decision-makers to act by showcasing examples of strong leadership for road safety within various types of institutions.
sustainable development goals
“In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change. Guided by the goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.” Visit for more information.
United Nations Road Safety Collaboration
Since April 2016, CIPA has been a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, an international coalition of organizations working together to improve road safety worldwide. CIPA works in support of the Collaboration’s goal of facilitating international cooperation and strengthening global and regional coordination among UN agencies and other international partners who are committed to global road safety. Five hundred children die on the world’s roadways each day. CIPA is committed to preventing these deaths by researching and advocating for the special safety needs of children in traffic. CIPA supports the strategies of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 and implementation of the recommendations of the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention.
Road to Zero Coalition
In October 2016, the National Safety Council (NSC), in partnership with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, announced the Road to Zero initiative. Its aim: To eliminate traffic fatalities within 30 years.
The initiative builds on the national Behavioral Change in Traffic Safety conference held earlier this year. Road to Zero expands the discussion to include not only representatives of roadway, behavioral and vehicle safety, but also nonprofit groups, public health officials and technology companies – dozens of organizations working together to develop a coordinated approach to highway safety.
“Our vision is simple – zero fatalities on our roads. We know that setting the bar for safety to the highest possible standard requires commitment from everyone to think differently about safety – from drivers to industry, safety organizations and government at all levels.”
The coalition will:
Examine and promote current behavior-change strategies and improve their effectiveness
Be more intense and coordinated in its response
Develop a zero-traffic-deaths scenario through strategic deployment of self-driving cars; this will reveal needs that haven't been considered and create a planning tool for policymakers and traffic safety organizations
Provide funds to traffic safety organizations on a competitive basis for work on priority program.
Road to Zero is also providing road safety grants, with NSC dedicating $1 million over three years for the program. Finally, Road to Zero will produce a long-term roadmap detailing what will be needed to get to zero traffic fatalities by 2050 (due to be released in 2018).
UN Global Road Safety Week Twitter Chat
As a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, CIPA joined the international effort to share the message that speed kills by organizing a Twitter chat (#SlowDownChat) on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, during the Fourth United Nations Global Road Safety Week. The chat was co-hosted by the following nine safety organizations:
Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine ● Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital ● Child Injury Prevention Alliance ● Children’s Safety Network ● FIA Foundation ● National Safety Council ● Road to Zero Coalition ● Safe Kids Worldwide ● Safe States Alliance
Topics discussed included the scope of the problem of speed-related injuries, as well as safe people, safe roads, safe vehicles, and calls to action. Overall, more than 150 participants contributed to the chat, and there were more than 600 tweets and 4.1 million timeline deliveries (how many times tweets with #SlowDownChat reached accounts). By working together, we were able to reach about 430,000 individual Twitter handles with speed-related information.