Fire Safety
According to the World Health Organization burns from fires are a serious global public health problem, resulting in over 195,000 deaths each year. Children under the age of 5 are among those at highest risk for death from fire-related injuries.
Fire Safety
According to the World Health Organization burns from fires are a serious global public health problem, resulting in over 195,000 deaths each year. Children under the age of 5 are among those at highest risk for death from fire-related injuries.
Children Playing with Fire
Many children are naturally curious about fire and find it exciting to watch a flame appear from a lighter or a match. However, young children are not able to understand the dangers of fire. Every year, children playing with fire cause hundreds of deaths and injuries.
College Fire Safety
Every year thousands of fire-related emergencies are reported at schools and in off-campus housing. In order to protect college students from fires, it is important that they understand the risks in their new environment and take appropriate safety measures.
Fire Escape Plan
Fires in the home can start in an instant and spread in seconds. A fire escape plan can help you make sure that your family is prepared in case of a fire.
Fire Prevention From The Experts
Experts from the Columbus Division of Fire, the Fire Departments of Lawrence County, and the Ohio State Fire Marshal's Office share valuable fire prevention and safety information in the video series, "Fire Prevention from the Experts."
Fire Safety for Children
When a house fire starts, children can become very afraid and confused. With as little as two minutes to escape unharmed, there is not enough time to plan a safe escape route when the alarm sounds.
Fireworks Safety
Throughout the world, fireworks are used to celebrate many holidays. Unfortunately, this celebration can quickly turn into tragedy with the improper use of fireworks.
Home Fire Safety
On average, 3,400 people die each year, and another 261,300 suffer non-fatal injuries due to house fires.
Smoke Alarms
Working smoke alarms are essential for preventing injuries and deaths caused by house fires. By giving you more time to escape, working smoke alarms can cut your risk of dying in a house fire by nearly half.
Types of Smoke Alarms
Fire deaths are usually the result of breathing in toxic smoke, and most fatal fires occur at night. People are often asleep when a fire breaks out, and the smoke may not wake them until it is too late. Therefore, it is important to have working smoke alarms to alert families of the danger of fire.