Safety 2018 World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (November 2018)
The Child Injury Prevention Alliance co-sponsored and participated in a pre-conference focusing on child injury prevention with Safe Kids Worldwide and the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention (ISCAIP). The program had outstanding speakers and discussion on child drowning prevention and child pedestrian safety. Afterwards, CIPA board members got together for dinner and conversation.
CIPA had an exhibit booth at the Safety 2018 Conference in the child injury prevention display area. Many partner organizations provided informational materials about their activities, and CIPA referred a number of people who were interested in additional information to our partners. Partners and friends from around the world were able to connect and catch up at the booth.
President Gary Smith also participated in a press conference about why children should not participate in Thai boxing at Safety 2018. After a 13-year-old Thai boxer died from a blow to the head during a match just a few days later, Dr. Adisak Plitponkarnpim, Secretary of CIPA and Director of the child injury center (CSIP) at the Ramathibodi Hospital in Bangkok, responded to many media inquiries during the days that followed.

3rd International Child Road Safety Forum (June 2018)
The third International Child Road Safety Forum (FISEVI) was held on June 12 and 13, 2018, in Buenos Aires. After organizing the previous editions in Uruguay (2014) and Chile (2016), the Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez hosted more than 250 participants for the forum in Argentina. FISEVI was the most important event within the National Road Safety Week Argentina, gathering more than 20 speakers from different national and international organizations presenting topics focused on safe systems, a new concept in Road Safety stating that road fatalities are not only responsibility of users but also of designers and builders. This shared responsibility paradigm aims at human errors not resulting in fatalities. Child Injury Prevention Alliance president Gary Smith presented at and participated in several sessions at the forum.
International Child Road Safety Forum (June 2016)
The Child Injury Prevention Alliance was a collaborating partner for the Segundo Foro Internacional de Seguridad Vial Infantil (Second International Child Road Safety Forum) sponsored by the Fundación Gonzalo Rodriguez, CONASET Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones, and Automovil Club de Chile, in Santiago, Chile in June 2016. This two-day conference discussed issues and model programs for child road safety in Latin America and beyond, covering the five pillars of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2011-2020.
Child Safety Promotion Conference, Nan, Thailand (November 2015)
This conference was co-sponsored by the Child Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Center in Bangkok, Thailand, and the Child Injury Prevention Alliance, and was held in conjunction with the 22nd International Conference on Safe Communities in Nan, Thailand in November 2015. This one-day conference focused on child injury prevention in Thailand with an emphasis on drowning, traffic safety, and consumer product safety. There were more than 100 attendees, including medical and public health professionals, child advocates, and policy makers.
Second Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety (November 2015)
The Child Injury Prevention Alliance, Government of Senegal, and the Netherlands-based non-governmental organization, Youth for Road Safety (YOURS), co-organized “Road Safety for Children and Youth,” an official conference side-event of the Second Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety in Brasilia, Brazil in November 2015. Collaborating partners included the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, AIP Foundation, AMEND, FIA Foundation, Fundación MAPFRE, International Pediatric Association, Michelin, Road Traffic Injury Research Network, Vida Urgente, and Safe Kids Worldwide. This interactive event identified key road safety problems facing children and youth globally and explored examples of road traffic injury prevention programs, including those where children and youth are engaged in road safety policy. Attendance exceeded the room capacity of 80, and attendees included government ministers and representatives of civil society, foundations, and the private sector.
Child Road Safety in the Americas: A UN Global Road Safety Week Region Congress (May 2015)
During 2015 UN Global Road Safety Week, CIPA co-sponsored the Child Road Safety in the Americas Congress, which addressed the important public health and sustainable development issue of child road safety in the region, with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Because collaboration among disciplines and sectors is essential, participants included leaders from countries throughout the Americas and globally who represent government agencies, NGOs, survivor groups, private sector organizations, medical associations, development agencies, and global organizations working to improve road safety. This conference will brought new organizations together with those with a long history of work in the field.
The Congress included a high-level event with key political, public health, and road safety leaders in the region, organized in collaboration with the Government of Costa Rica. In addition, there was a pre-conference road safety event open to the public at the National Children’s Hospital of Costa Rica (Hospital Nacional de Niños) on May 6, 2015.
Conference agenda topics spanned the five pillars of the framework of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. Taking place at the mid-point of the Decade during Global Road Safety Week, which WHO has designated with the theme of “Children and Road Safety,” the conference featured success stories from LAC that could be adapted elsewhere in the region to improve national and local child road safety. The protection of children as motor vehicle passengers and vulnerable road users was emphasized, specifically on promoting the use of child restraint systems and protection of child pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcycle riders.
Global Conference on Child Injury Prevention: Collaborating for the Future (September 2013)
The Global Conference on Child Injury Prevention convened leading researchers, practitioners, advocates, and policy makers from around the globe in the major areas of injury prevention and control to review the progress made since the 2008 landmark report World Report on Child Injury Prevention and to plan for the future. The conference featured internationally-recognizedspeakers, platform presentations, and poster sessions and provided a forum for discussing global initiatives during the next decade to reduce child injury around the world. Held in Columbus, Ohio, USA, on September 19-20, 2013, the conference was hosted by the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and CIPA with high-level participation from the World Health Organization, China Centers for Disease Control, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other leading child injury prevention organizations globally. There were more than 100 participants from 26 countries in attendance, including many members of CIPA's executive leadership and advisory board.