Farm Safety
In the United States today, more than 1 million children live on farms, and many more visit farms every year. Farms can be exciting places for kids to grow up. They offer the chance to learn about growing food, caring for animals, gaining responsibilities, and witnessing the circle of life. Unfortunately, large animals, machinery, and equipment make farms especially dangerous places for young kids to play.
Farm Safety
In the United States today, more than 1 million children live on farms, and many more visit farms every year. Farms can be exciting places for kids to grow up. They offer the chance to learn about growing food, caring for animals, gaining responsibilities, and witnessing the circle of life. Unfortunately, large animals, machinery, and equipment make farms especially dangerous places for young kids.
Farm Safety Booklet
Every year, more than 100,000 children are injured on U.S. farms. Of these, more than 22,000 children are injured badly enough to be treated at emergency departments.
Safe Play on Farms
More than 100,000 children are injured on U.S. farms every year, and more than 22,000 of these children are treated at emergency departments for their injuries.