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Advisory Board

María Fernanda Rodríguez Bongoll – Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez, Uruguay

CIPA Injury

Maria Fernanda "Nani" Rodriquez is the Founder and President of Fundación Gonzalo Rodriguez (FGR). She created FGR in 2000 to honor her late brother, racing driver Gonzalo "Gonchi" Rodriguez. FGR works to improve the quality of life for children in Latin America. Her work began in Uruguay, advocating for children to travel safely by promoting mandatory use of child restraint systems for children younger than 12 years of age in private vehicles, and safe student transport. She has expanded these efforts to other countries in the region, including Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. Today, FGR is one of the leaders in Latin America in child passenger safety, protecting children in traffic, and other road safety issues. Ms. Rodriquez was a founding member of the Ibero-American Federation of Associations of Victims Against Violence in Traffic. She also represents FGR as President of the Board of Directors of the New Car Assessment Program for Latin America and the Caribbean (Latin NCAP).